Reflections for Educ560-Spring 2018

Google Drive
It is a very useful application that I had no idea about before. From now on I will start using it to save my favorite projects I have in my learning journey. Also, it is effective since it is not only a storage place. It is also a place where a teacher can make things and share it with her students and colleagues to agree on like making a common exam for example. It is helpful, saves time and can retrieve deleted information although it has been written days ago. This makes the teacher feel relaxed all the time.

The webinar I registered and attended is titled '12 Keys to High-Quality Early Childhood Inclusion'. It is fruitful one since it gave me tips about how to include all students and make them engaged in class activities and discussion although they have different abilities. The webinar also shows me that inclusion is effective for all students even disabled ones and to the teacher and society. As a teacher, I will try my best to adapt space and materials and to be a problem solver to any conflict that may occur in my class so that all  students feel equally treated without being biased to either abled or disabled students. This makes my class lovable place where all my students' needs are met.


Blogger is a very useful application for teachers since they can design posts that benefit their colleagues or students. Also, it helps the teachers assess their work and posts since the readers can give the teachers feedback on the posts by writing comments. It also facilitates teacher's work by designing pages for each subject, grade or student so that everything related to each thing can be found by clicking on the page name.

Google forms

Google forms is my favorite application I learned till
know since I've always been wondering how online quizzes are designed. Now, I have the answer and for sure I will use this with my students. It is essential for me as a teacher to assess my students using different questions like multiple choice, short answers and others. To abbreviate, google forms help me as a teacher to have the quizzes corrected and scored without being overwhelmed and by only using answer keys.


The padlet is a nice application that a teacher can use to have students' feedbacks after a trip, an activity or a new lesson. This helps the teacher assess her work and make suitable adjustments. Also, it can be used for students' suggestions about a topic they like to know about and so on.

 Posters are essential aids that teachers can use to grab students' attention. It helps students understand the subject in an easier way. Teachers use the posters to present the statistics through a chart instead of only giving numbers and through graphic organizers instead of giving texts. In this way, students retrieve the information better. Posters can be designed by students not only teachers to show their understanding in an enjoyable way. As a teacher, I will use it a lot in my class since it is colorful, attractive and beneficial for students.

Web Quest

Technology is used a lot by students nowadays for researches. Some students access information easily but we are worried about the unsafe links that may appear while working on their projects. Other students find difficulty searching for the needed information. The Web Quest makes the students' researches safe and easy by the teachers designing a suitable one for her topic lesson. 

 Rubistar is vey useful for teachers. It helps teachers who lack time design a rubric that is effective and well organized. It also shows teachers the strategies to deign rubrics by first choosing the subject and then the skill or concept to be evaluated. I am very thankful for knowing this site that I'll never forget in my teaching journey.


Activinspire is an interactive software application that attracts students by its plenty useful tools. This software application satisfies the needs of both teachers and students. It helps the teachers create exciting lessons where students enjoy using the interesting tools while learning. This application saves time in class since teachers use the magic ink and others to hide answers and then reveal it instead of using posting papers on the board then taking them out.


  1. The first thing that caught my attention on your page is how you presented each app. The reader has a clear explanation of the tools you have learned about and the page is nice to look at from the handwriting to the pictures posted. Great job!
