Thursday, March 15, 2018

My First Picture book!

This Picture book is my first story that I wrote for the 'Children Literature course'. My aim behind the main idea and the theme is to convince children to listen to their parents' words and never ignore what their mom or dad say. I work on this project with enthusiasm since I am doing it for two goals: to finish the course with great satisfaction and to do a work that brings happiness and pride to my family in general and to my two sons especially. I was really happy when I saw my sons holding the story and showing it to my relatives saying: 'It's my mom's work!' 

What makes this project special is the feedback that I had from the teachers on the Education Day 2017. This story took the first place for the best story of Children Literature Course. This makes this project and that day unforgettable!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Arab Feminist Conference

The Arab Feminist Conference is one of the amazing experiences that I had. It showed how much it is important to be well organized and to always seek success. This conference proves to all women around the world that they can make big difference. Women changed how the world look or talk about them. They are no longer viewed inferior. They are no longer baby sitters or house keepers. They are highly educated and have good positions that men wish to have. This conference showed how the languages are no longer biased to men. For example, the noun 'student' is used for both male and female not for only one gender. My idol 'Miss Rasha Halat' talked about the grammatical language gender and about many languages that are no longer biased to one gender. The speech of Miss Rasha and the successful organization of the conference showed the audience that the woman is competent and that she is made for far beautiful things.