Sunday, April 8, 2018

A class should be like heaven on Earth

As adults, we always prefer to sit in an organized place that has a nice view, moderate temperature and colorful colors. Every teacher should put herself in the student’s place and have a deep look on the classroom that she decorated and organized. Every time she should ask: ‘Is this the favorite place that everyone like to spend most of his time in?’ Teachers should adapt the class’s environment to the students’ needs.  The environment has a big role in making students feel good about classrooms. Thus, as teachers, we should always start the year of school by introducing the students to a class that is like a heaven on earth to make them sing happily like birds all the school year.
In our classrooms, we should leave enough spaces for easy movement between the desks for students and for us. Our classes also should include learning centers to aid learning in addition to enough boxes and book cases. Moreover, our classes should be painted with bright colors instead of dark ones. Boards should also be at the middle of classes so that all students easily see the writing on it.
Nowadays, most schools put desks in rows and columns where only the students in the front are attentive and those in the back aren't. I prefer putting the desks in u-shape to avoid the inequality between students. In addition to that, there should be specific places for putting the bags instead of putting them beside their desks where students fall down and hurt themselves.
Having enough equipment and materials inside classes is essential because it saves teachers' time and makes learning better. Having a projector and a smart board attract students and make them more engaged in learning. Technology facilitates learning. It doesn't hinder learning as some people think. Using technology in teaching is a necessity in this century.

Students spend about five hours a day in their schools. Having a classroom physical environment that satisfy students’ needs and teacher’s goal is essential for effective learning. The environment should match my objectives as a teacher, both in terms of human interaction and instructional approach. The arrangement of seating is one major variable. Including students in creating the physical environment can enhance that environment, increase the feeling of classroom community, and give students a sense of empowerment. As a future teacher, I will allow my students to participate in the classroom’s arrangement, rules and activities that suit our goals.


  1. your so mush mush right tahani by what you said, all student love to see a bright and colorful classes, even though some students thinks that the teacher gives attention just to the ones who sits in front and they ones in the back they don't need that attention. you just mentioned the main and important points that few schools needs to change.

  2. So true Tahani, I remember myself when I was a school student, the teacher asked us to decorate the class the way we like, she wanted us to create the atmosphere we want so that we feel interested and comfortable in the class! That was really nice idea!

  3. Thank you ladies.Actually, I can't imagine myself seating in uncomfortable place and this applies on classes also.Our role is to establish good environment and place for our students.
